MyFeed Personalized Content

Navigate and support your toddler during their exciting toddlerhood journey.

Answer a few questions and receive expert advice for your unique concerns,
whether it's nutrition, eating habits, learning, play, or social development.




Want to know how to encourage your toddler to develop healthy eating habits and create a positive attitude towards nutritious food?


Help your toddler develop healthy eating habits by being patient during meals, keeping a happy atmosphere, and showing them how enjoyable it is to eat nutritious food. Get them excited about healthy meals by letting them pick, shop for, and even help cook their food, creating a positive attitude towards nutritious eating. 




Can’t tell if your toddler is hungry or full?


Recognize your toddler's hunger by observing signs such as reaching for food, expressing specific food desires, or using words like "Namnam!" while also being attentive to cues of fullness, like turning away or slowing down chewing, as they navigate the journey towards independence in feeding themselves.




Is your child a picky eater?


When dealing with picky eaters, it's a real challenge to provide nutritious meals that they'll actually enjoy. As parents, patience is key, as persistent picky eating may lead to nutritional inadequacy, impacting their growth and overall well-being.




Does your toddler love jumping on couches and tumbling onto the floor?


Your lively toddler is actively exploring and testing their physical boundaries throughout the day. While this signifies healthy development, as a concerned parent, you're focused on ensuring safe play. Learn about the significance of play for children at different stages and discover ideas for enjoyable yet secure activities together. Your lively toddler is actively exploring and testing their physical boundaries throughout the day. While this signifies healthy development, as a concerned parent, you're focused on ensuring safe play. Learn about the significance of play for children at different stages and discover ideas for enjoyable yet secure activities together.




Is your little one feeling low on energy or not in the mood to play?


It might be a sign they need more nourishment. Ensure they enjoy a balanced diet with the right nutrients so they can continue their exploration and stay active, curious, and happy.




Do you have concerns regarding your toddler's ability to socialize?


In the new normal, nurture your toddler's social skills by arranging safe playdates, engaging in interactive activities, and promoting virtual interactions, ensuring they develop social competence despite current challenges.




Do you have worries about whether your toddler is learning through play?


Foster your toddler's holistic development by creating a rich play environment, combining fun and educational activities to encourage natural learning and exploration.




Do you want to ensure your toddler's protection from illnesses while they engage in exploration?


Ensure your toddler's protection from illnesses during exploration by maintaining a clean environment, promoting hygiene practices, and staying updated on vaccinations for a healthy and safe journey.




Want to enhance your toddler's  immune system during their stage of exploration?


Boost your toddler's immune system development by incorporating additional protection, such as milk or yogurt, acknowledging that their natural defenses strengthen over time, and it's impossible to shield them from everything.